I use a variety of techniques to help you reach your goals. All programs are unique and designed specifically for each individual. Just as no two bodies are alike, we can not apply a “one program fits all” mentality to our fitness programs. This is especially true for people with chronic pain or autoimmune disorders.

Strength Training

Utilizing 20 years of experience as a physical therapist, I choose from an immense “toolbox” of exercises to develop a fitness program that fits your individual needs. This may include use of weights, rollers, resistance bands, etc. but primarily we use minimal equipment so that all exercises can be done effectively and in the convenience of your home or office.


Yoga, Pilates, Dance

Yoga is an exercise form that can be immensely useful in the healing process yet, when done without the proper guidance or alignment it can also lead to injury. I have been teaching yoga and using yoga for rehabbing injuries since 2000. I received my Yoga Alliance 200 hour teacher certification in 2000 and since have studied with masters of various forms of Hatha Yoga, including Iyengar, Ashtanga, Viniyoga, Pranavinyasa and Ananda Yoga. I have developed my own form of therapeutic yoga to help people with various pain disorders and this is integrated in to the Pranamix PT program.

Pilates came into my life in 2010 while living on Maui, HI. I found it to be incredibly effective in my physical therapy practice in helping people reach a new level of alignment and access to core strength. I have received Pilates certifications from Pilates Institute of America, Balanced Body and Spring Board Training through Ellie Herman Pilates School.


There is no separation between the breath and the development of optimal health in the body. In yoga, there is a universal concept of “Prana” which is the basis of inspiration to my whole wellness program. In life, it is common that we may find ourselves feeling like we just can’t do it all alone. And we can’t! At Pranamix PT, I teach breath techniques that help you access energy or calmness from within AND from without. We learn to move with ease by accessing strength through the proper use of our breathing.

Each individual has a gift to bring into this world and at the same time we often have obstacles that inhibit us from accessing these gifts completely. By learning how to become present in our bodies, controlling our fears, anxiety, and finding true inner strength, I have seen my clients not only reach their physical goals but also evolve their lives in beautiful and dramatic ways. As a society we have come to understand how the mind affects the body but in my 20 years of working with people, I have discovered that improving the strength and flexibility of the body has an even more profound effect on the mind and subsequently affects how peacefully and joyously we navigate our world.